MoonSister Wellness
Tara Scarborough, RN, LMBT #20125


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MoonSister Wellness was dreamt and born upon a sincere desire to help you on your journey to health, wellness, and wholeness.   Through the art and science of various bodywork modalities I can help you find balance, reduce pain, relax and just generally feel better in your body. 

Tara Scarborough RN, LMBT #20125 is a John Barnes, PT, LMT trained myofascial release therapist and has had advanced training in this technique.  If you have had myofascial release (MFR) that felt jabby and painful, this is NOT the John Barnes way.  Gentle sustained pressure is held to release fascial constrictions that cause pain and scar tissue formation.   It is incredibly effective in finding relief for both chronic and acute issues as well as a wonderful adjunct to traditional PT.  Pre and post surgical patients  also greatly benefit from MFR.  

 Tara holds a certification in neuromuscular therapy massage as well as being a Reiki Master.  She weaves the ancient healing art of Reiki into her bodywork sessions intuitively. 

If your goal is relaxation or just general well being, Tara is also known for giving a fantastic full body therapeutic relaxation massage!  She uses traditional therapeutic massage techniques along with other modalities to bring a one of a kind massage experience which is wonderfully relaxing and therapeutic.